Let’s drown out the wellness fads and focus on the facts.

What to expect in your naturopathic appointment


Thorough medical intake, physical exams, lab work and screening tools


Communicating assessment interpretation and discussing health goals


Curating individualized and tangible treatment plans to address your concerns


Referring out to other healthcare providers if conditions fall outside of our scope


  • Taking a health history provides important information about a person's medical history, current health status, and lifestyle. This includes questions about past illnesses, current medications, family and personal medical history, as well as details about diet, exercise, stress levels, and other key factors. A health history can also provide clues about possible risk factors for various diseases or conditions that may need to be addressed in the future. Gathering this information is essential for developing an effective plan of care.

  • A medical physical exam is an important part of preventive health care. During the exam, your doctor will record and assess your current health status by visually examining different body systems and checking vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure. Other tests can also be performed to evaluate organ function, such as listening to your heart and lungs or testing reflexes. With a thorough physical exam, your doctor can detect any potential problems early on and provide the best possible care for you.

  • Lab work is an essential part of diagnosing and treating various medical conditions. It involves taking samples of body fluids, tissue, or other substances, and performing tests to measure the levels of certain substances and check for the presence of certain diseases or conditions. Lab work can help to detect infections, evaluate organ function, and monitor the effectiveness of treatments. In some cases, it may even be used to diagnose rare disorders or provide prognostic information about a person's health.

  • There are numerous regular screening assessments recommended and covered by OHIP; PAP smears, colon cancer screening (FIT test or colonoscopy), mammograms, DEXA scans (bone density scans) etc. While naturopathic doctors are trained to perform PAP smears, these along with the other mentioned assessments are covered by OHIP. Naturopathic Doctors can spend the time going through these screening schedules with you to make sure you are not behind on any testing.


  • Naturopathic doctors provide holistic lifestyle counselling to help their patients make long-term changes that promote wellbeing. This counselling may include physical activity and exercise recommendations, stress management techniques, and other lifestyle modifications.

  • Naturopathic doctors provide nutrition counselling to help their patients eat in a way that supports overall health and wellbeing. During the appointment, naturopaths assess the patient's current diet and lifestyle habits and make changes as needed. They may recommend changes in food choices or advice on portion control, optimal nutrient intake and how to prepare meals that are both healthy and enjoyable.

  • Acupuncture is a healing modality used in naturopathic medicine to help patients manage pain, improve energy levels and promote healing. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate its natural healing response. Acupuncture helps to reduce inflammation and enhance circulation in the body. It has been used as an effective treatment for many conditions including headaches, stress, musculoskeletal issues and fatigue.

  • Supplements and nutraceuticals are natural health products made from extracts of various sources. They are designed to provide the body with beneficial nutrients at extremely high concentrations to promote overall health and wellbeing.

    Supplements and nutraceuticals are frequently misused by the public. Individuals are often taking supplements far below the researched therapeutic dose, or have been misinformed on the indication or potential benefits of certain products. It is also not uncommon for there to be drug-supplement interactions which can be harmful to patients.

    Naturopathic Doctors are able to provide detailed information on proper dosing, formulations and potential interactions to keep you safe.

    Naturopathic doctors are legally required to disclose if they are benefiting financially from the sale of a supplement. At Mutual Health Clinic, there is ABSOLUTELY NO conflict of interest to ensure unbiased care is provided.

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